Ceremony of Mourning and Remembrance
Light in the Darkness: A Ceremony of Mourning and Remembrance (Saturday, Jan 20th, 3:30 pm)
This was a gentle time to share our grief for those who have died and continue to suffer in Gaza, the West Bank, Israel, and Lebanon.
(click on any image to view full size)
We honoured those who have passed with songs of grief and mourning shared by the Community Song Circle, made symbols to express those we are mourning, and commended them to the fire.
Memories of Gaza were shared, as well as conversation about how each of us has been personally touched by the events unfolding in Israel and Palestine. Denise kindly guided us in making lanterns to carry on our walk along Davis Bay towards the pier, lighting up the night with small icons of hope.
Anita shared her hearts – she has been creating hearts for each 100 people who have been killed (sadly there were over 250) and then the hearts were also put into the fire, wishing peace on those who have left, and peace for those remain and grieve.
Songs were sung, stories honoured, and new connections made. We are greatful for this chance to bring a little light to what seems such a deep darkness in our world right nwo.
Peace. Shalom. Salam. Shlama.